Su novia lo engaño y el decidió transformar su cuerpo


A él le rompieron el corazón y lo reconstruyó en el gimnasio.

Dwayne O'Connor sufrió una dura ruptura pero se las arregló para superar ese duro golpe en el gimnasio. 

Nunca es fácil descubrir que tu pareja de muchos años te ha estado engañando mucho tiempo pero se puede superar y algunas maneras son mejores que otras. 

El método para superar el corazón roto de Dwayne sin duda es de admiración él llevo todo su enojo, frustración y tristeza al gimnasio y salió irreconocible.

O'Connor contó en una entrevista para Men's Health que su ruptura fue inesperada y la veía como "algo de lo que no podía depender, algo que no me gustaría"

Tenía conocimiento previo así que sabía como atacar un gimnasio, pero está vez no quería una simple rutina para estar en forma quería algo extraordinario que le ayudará a superar la dura etapa.

"Al principio se trataba de perder barriga, se trataba de algo para sentirme mejor". Pero esto rápidamente se transformo en algo más allá: en pasión por el culturismo "A través del culturismo puedes moldear tu propio cuerpo y eso es algo increíble"

I got tired of clothes not fitting right I got tired of being over looked by girls I got tired of feeling.. Well not good enough There's alot in the media about the pressure that women are put under to look a certain way but theres very little about how men feel about the very same subject🤷‍♂️ Physical insecurities are not a gender exclusive thing, if you are a person male or female who's about to start there own health journey he's 3 things you should know 🌟 Dropping bodyfat will not make you love your self 🌟 Your physical appearance should not come at the cost of your health 💉🙅‍♂️ 🌟 You can only become a better version of your self and NO ONE eles Be smart, be consistent and be patience 💪

Una publicación compartida de Dwayne O'connor (@dwayne_oconnor23) el

También influyó que siempre había admirado a los hombres músculosos que veía en televisión. 

"Quería parecer fuerte, quería sentirme fuerte... entonces quizás ya no perdería más"

"Además el cardio es una mierd*" agregó.

Dijo que no era tan simple como presionar un botón y dirigiese al gimnasio disciplinadamente, al principio la herida estaba demasiado fresca.

"La parte más difícil de la rutina fue aceptar que esa era mi nueva rutina. Mi vida anterior había terminado, cuando estas con alguien mucho tiempo haces todas las cosas juntos... tuve que admitir que todo lo que tenía antes se había ido para siempre"

Hoy Dwayne se ve como roca ya que se mantiene motivado y positivo, y además, tiene muchas nuevas admiradoras. Su Instagram está lleno de fotos y videos donde muestra su extraordinario físico esto es lo que significa convertir la adversidad en oportunidad.

"No dañes tu cuerpo con bebida y comida chatarra, mantente ocupado, productivo y positivo".

I was going to write up a generic motivational caption but I've decided not too 🤔 Here's my story to date 2014.. A 4 year relationship ended in a affair. I was left up set, unconfident and very over weight due to emotional comfort eating!! my bodyfat at its max reached between 23%-29%. We're talking man boobs, love handles, double chins the whole package lol 🐷 2015.. At this point I had been working out occasionally as a form of stress relief for a while . I just wanted to lose some fat and feel better about my self, My diet was poor and I was partying wayyyyyy to much, the 1st photo is what I looked like, even though it wasn't perfect trust me it was a big improvement. Later that year, I started reading articles on @bodybuildingcom and using @myproteinuk supplements. I learnt about protein intake and compound lifts, I also brought an E book from @mattogus called " the muscle and strength pyramid" 🔥. 2016.. Working out gave me the control I needed back in my life. what I ate how, I trained it was all up to me and I loved it. I decided to start personal training and helping other people get into there best shapes too 👍I used @musclefooduk for all my food needs and still do to this day 👍 I was at the point where could say I was training seriously, I had a routine, a knew correct lifting technique and my body was responding surprisingly well to strength training. 2017.. I had some extra cash so I got my self a coach @romanelanceford, man let me time you the changes that my body has made have surprised even me,there guy is so switched on and he's attention to detail is second to none!! Originally there's was no big end plan. I just wanted to learn more about training and nutrition and now I've been told that he thinks I have the potential to compete with some of the best men's Physique athletes in the country! So that's what we're about to find out. I will been competing this year #?Weeksout #ificandoityoucandoit #transformationtuesday #change #relationshipgoals #prep #nofilter #work #beforeandafter #fitfam #shredz #bodybuilding #gym #ukbff #coach #fat #ripped #fitfam #muscle #motivation #mensphysique #npc #selfie #fitness #eatclean

Una publicación compartida de Dwayne O'connor (@dwayne_oconnor23) el

(6 months between photos) Nothing fuels a transformation like a break up 💔🤔 I think we have all been there I mean being used to being with someone for long time then suddenly there gone! It can be a hard situation to adjust to too. But Instead of reaching for the Ben and Jerry's 😅I decided I needed to get my shit together, so wanted to look like a fitness model (or a super sayain🤓) So many people laughed, when I was bringing smelly tuppa wear meals to work or when my fat ass was getting up at 5am to go for runs.they said it was pointless😮 The funny thing is after a few months of the "fitness lifestyle" I forgot all about the ex I was trying to impress because I was more interested in hitting a new PB on the bench 💪 and the fact that I could finally kinda see my Abbs lol The bottom line is what ever you reason for wanting to improve yourself make sure you do it for you and know body eles For more info on how to make your own transformation check my @musclefooduk interview in my bio 🙂have a great day people #Dodgingbulletslikeneointhematrix #loveyourselffirst #transformation #transformationtuesday #beforeandafter #fitness #relationshipgoals #stayoutmydms #npc #ifbb #mensphysique #aesthetics #fat #winning #bodybuilding #gymlife #muscle #musclefood #gains #eatclean #stronger #derby #nottingham #gym #2017 #gymshark #myprotein

Una publicación compartida de Dwayne O'connor (@dwayne_oconnor23) el

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